Job Opportunities

Find associate teacher, lead teacher, and administrative positions in partner schools

Incoming Residents

A two-year residency, working full-time in a classroom, allows BATTI teachers to become fully immersed in all aspects of the school environment. We help you to find positions in partner schools during BATTI and beyond.


Interested in making a change? Check out our job board for lead teacher and administrative job vacancies in BATTI partner schools.

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Job searchers, check out our new Culture Fit Compass to set you up for a better search this year!

Need guidance on using the Culture Compass? Check out this slideshow for a sample and more information.

Lead Teacher, Learning Specialist Raleigh Zwerin Lead Teacher, Learning Specialist Raleigh Zwerin

Lead Teaching Positions (3 roles!)

Peninsula School • Menlo Park

Peninsula School • Menlo Park

Spanish Teacher

The purpose of the Spanish program at Peninsula School is to nurture student interest in Spanish language and culture in a progressive, independent school environment. The Spanish program provides developmentally appropriate learning experiences for PK-8th grade students to build self-understanding and self-esteem, promote cooperative and enthusiastic individual and group work, and to provide encouragement for cultural understanding.

Music Teacher

The Lower School (LS) Music Program promotes students’ sense of empowerment, joy and confidence and includes all interested children, irrespective of prior musical experience. The LS Music teacher has the responsibility to develop and provide a music curriculum appropriate to the interests and needs of the children in each class from our Preschool students up to our 3rd grade students. Our LS program allows for our students to join bands in a variety of genres when they reach our middle school program.

Assistant Teacher

The role of the Assistant Teacher is to enrich the children’s experience at Peninsula School. The primary responsibility of the classroom assistant at Peninsula School is to help support the Head Teacher to implement the class program. The Assistant Teacher works closely with the Head Teacher, and specific duties in each Preschool – 8th grade classroom may vary. The school views the Assistant Teacher’s contribution in the classroom as a critical component of the child’s experience. Our school program values are based in authentic interactions, community, equity, freedom & responsibility, meaningful academics and play.

Start date 8/1/2025

Accepting applications through 5/31/2025

Please fill out the application located on Join Our Team page of the website and send it to Ayesha Sumbal at

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Elementary Instructional Coach

E.R. Taylor Elementary School • San Francisco

E.R. Taylor Elementary School • San Francisco

SFUSD is seeking to identify a cadre of Literacy Coaches with deep content knowledge and a proven ability to positively support adult learners who will lead the district towards the development of a common vision for effective literacy instruction through providing teachers with direct instructional guidance and impactful professional development. Literacy Coaches will either be “site-based” or will work across multiple sites, supporting teachers in both informal and in more formalized coaching cycles around an identified aspect of instructional practice. Coaches will serve up to ten additional work days (compensated accordingly), to participate in coaching network meetings to develop protocols, professional learning modules, and role-alike training in preparation for the start of the school year.

Start Date: 08/13/2024

Accepting applications through 06/12/2024.

Applicants may apply to the Instructional Coach pool ( and email Principal David Norris ( and Assistant Principal Shirley Duong ( directly.

ER Taylor's Assistant Principal is a BATTI Cohort 5 alumna.

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2 Roles! Lower Elementary Teacher and Learning Support Coordinator

Trinity School • Menlo Park

Trinity School • Menlo Park

Lower Elementary Teacher

Trinity School is excited to announce an opening for a Lower Elementary Lead Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. This is an exceptional opportunity for a teacher looking to join a team-oriented, inclusive, and professional learning community. The Lead Teacher will be responsible for maintaining a positive and appropriate educational environment in their homeroom and creating a program that meets each child's intellectual and emotional needs. The successful candidate will work closely with colleagues across grade levels and the school leadership to implement engaging inquiry-based learning experiences for their students. The Lead Teacher is the primary connection a child has for their learning and social-emotional experience at school. Trinity upholds the partnership between home and school with role clarity and transparent communication to ensure the child’s well-being and progress. The Lead Teacher is joined in the classroom by a teaching assistant, whom they supervise.

Learning Support Coordinator

Trinity School is seeking a talented and dynamic educator who will work closely with teachers, parents, and administrators to support students in preschool through Grade 5, especially those with learning differences/social and emotional needs. The Learning Support Coordinator will collaborate with and assist teachers in implementing effective research-based strategies, observing and pushing into the classrooms to assist with differentiation and implementation of accommodations. As well as supporting families, helping them access available resources and helping them better understand how their child learns. Ultimately, as the Learning Support Program develops and a Student Support Team is formed, the Learning Support Coordinator will be the lead liaison between the SST and the teachers and families.

Send application, resume, and cover letter to Colette McWilliams -

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Multiple Positions

Red Bridge • San Francisco

Red Bridge • San Francisco

Red Bridge is an independent K-8 school that opened in September 2020 in San Francisco. Red Bridge was founded as a demonstration school for a new model of education designed to foster a sense of agency in students as the foundation for academic and life success. Student ownership is built into every system and structure of the school, so that students gradually take on more responsibility for their learning. This puts every student on the path to becoming a lifelong learner – so that no matter what the future looks like, they have the capacity to adapt and flourish.

Roles Available for 2023-24 School Year:

Administrative Assistant

Associate Teacher

Communications & Marketing Manager

Humanities Teacher

K-5 Steam Teacher

Learning Specialist

Middle School Lead Teacher

Music Teacher

Posted on January 13, 2023

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