Teacher Induction


In partnership with the Center of Teacher Innovation (Riverside County Office of Education), BATTI offers an expedited one-year program to clear a multiple-subject credential. This program serves new teachers in the first five years since receiving their credential, who are not receiving mentorship through public schools.

Program Details

Reflective Coach

BATTI Induction candidates choose to either match with an experienced BATTI Supervisor (many times the same person they worked with through the credential and Master's!) OR partner with a supervisor from their current school site. Supervisors act as reflective coaches through the induction process. 

Image of BATTI Reflective Coaches meeting around table

Weekly Check-ins

Induction candidates meet virtually with their Reflective Coach on a weekly basis. In these meetings, candidates and coaches talk through their inquiry cycles and address curricular and student needs.

Classroom Observations

Reflective coaches visit their candidates three times throughout the year for classroom observations. These can be conducted in-person or virtually. These classroom observations create periodic opportunities for the coach to see the candidate in action. Through pre and post-observation conversations, the three observation cycles provide space for meaningful conversation and support.

Image of candidates meeting with reflective coaches to discuss career goals

Differentiated Work

Each candidate determines their learning trajectory in the four inquiry cycles they select for the year. There is no prescribed path. Areas of focus are entirely based on the goals each candidate identifies for themself and the self-identified areas for growth and development.

Steps to Enroll

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Step One

Watch our informational video to learn more about the BATTI/CTI induction program and the year’s timeline and expectations

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Step Two

After watching the video, if you are still interested in moving forward with induction for fall, fill out the BATTI intake form

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Step Three

Match with a Reflective Coach - either a BATTI Supervisor or an onsite coach from your school

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Step Four

Talk to your school about how they might financially support you with the cost of the program

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Step Five

Submit a letter of verification from a school administrator, attesting to your level of experience and qualification into the Early Completion Option (one-year instead of traditional two)

Teacher Induction Testimonials

Learn More about BATTI Teacher Induction

  • Apply

    To begin the application process, fill out the intake form here.

  • Program Costs

    The cost of induction for the 2024-25 school year is $4,650