Our Impact
By the Numbers
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Alumni Testimonials
“By far the most valuable experience of being in BATTI has been the lessons I’ve learned from some of the incredible teachers I had during the program.”
Alyssa Scharf, Alum, Cohort 14
“A program like BATTI gives participants the chance to reflect on what they are doing during the day in a very structured, facilitated way. ”
Jeremy Hilinski, BATTI Instructor and School Principal
“BATTI gave me the tools to become, grow, and persevere as a lead teacher.”
William Crawford, Alum, Cohort 17
“BATTI is all about prepping people for the education field. I know that going through BATTI versus a regular credentialing program made me a better teacher because I had deep, authentic support network through my mentor, my school site, and my BATTI cohort.”
Mary Lindsley, Alum, Cohort 9
“BATTI exposed me to so many different educators who supported and guided me through the program. I was able to pull from different teachers, classrooms and experiences and cultivate my own classroom and practice from it all.”
Sophie Eckert, Alum, Cohort 13
“In true BATTI "learning by doing" fashion, so much of our learning happened on the job! No amount of classwork could be as valuable as two years in the classroom, which is what I think sets BATTI apart.”
Moriah Geller, Alum, Cohort 18