Job Opportunities

Find associate teacher, lead teacher, and administrative positions in partner schools

Incoming Residents

A two-year residency, working full-time in a classroom, allows BATTI teachers to become fully immersed in all aspects of the school environment. We help you to find positions in partner schools during BATTI and beyond.


Interested in making a change? Check out our job board for lead teacher and administrative job vacancies in BATTI partner schools.

Are you interested in posting an opening at your school? Please click the button below.

It is our pleasure to provide this service free of charge. To financially contribute to BATTI's work, please donate here.

Job searchers, check out our new Culture Fit Compass to set you up for a better search this year!

Need guidance on using the Culture Compass? Check out this slideshow for a sample and more information.

Associate Teacher, Lead Teacher Raleigh Zwerin Associate Teacher, Lead Teacher Raleigh Zwerin

Teaching Opportunities

Presidio Hill School • San Francisco

Presidio Hill School • San Francisco

Presidio Hill School has several openings for the 2022-23 school year.

Presidio Hill School is an independent, progressive school located in the Presidio Heights neighborhood of San Francisco and serves a diverse population of approximately 230 students enrolled in transitional 1st Grade to 8th grade with a faculty and staff of approximately 45 people. The lower school, grades TK-5, has approximately 125 students and 20 faculty members. Established in 1918 by artist-educator-activists Helen Salz and Flora Arnstein, Presidio Hill School is the oldest continuously operating progressive school in California, with a mission and deep history connected to social justice. Our 1st Grade Lead Teacher will have demonstrated passion and experience teaching and working with students and a school community that explicitly strives to be inclusive.

We are looking for candidates for the following positions:

  • Kindergarten Lead Teacher

  • 1st Grade Lead Teacher

  • Multiple Lower School Assistant Teacher roles

 Posted on March 18, 2022

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Associate Teacher, Lead Teacher Raleigh Zwerin Associate Teacher, Lead Teacher Raleigh Zwerin

Teaching Opportunities

Peninsula Bridge - San Mateo

Berkwood Hedge • Berkeley

Berkwood Hedge School is Hiring Amazing Educators for the 2022-2023 School Year

Located in central Berkeley on two beautiful campuses, our lower school, includes grades K – 4, and our Upper School teaches grades 5 – 7 (8th will be added in 2023-24).

Berkwood Hedge School’s pedagogy is based on the understanding that children construct their knowledge of the world through hands-on, integrated, and active child-centered learning experiences, that their environment needs to be positive and joyful, and that play and creativity are essential to healthy development. The strength of our school is our community. Each individual is valued and significant. We cultivate our children’s creative participation in their own learning. Our teachers support this development across the cognitive, physical, social, and moral domains. Our teachers collaborate to make our entire school strong.

We are looking for candidates for the following positions:

  • Lower School Elementary Lead Teacher

  • Upper Elementary Lead Teacher

  • 5th Grade Lead Teacher

  • 6th and 7th Grade Humanities Teacher

  • Upper School Coordinator of Teaching and Learning

  • Lower School Coordinator of Teaching and Learning

  • Upper School Learning Specialist (hiring immediately)

  • Elementary Lead Teacher

  • Associate Teachers for all grade levels.

Join our growing community!

 Posted on March 13, 2022

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