Job Opportunities
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Incoming Residents
A two-year residency, working full-time in a classroom, allows BATTI teachers to become fully immersed in all aspects of the school environment. We help you to find positions in partner schools during BATTI and beyond.
Interested in making a change? Check out our job board for lead teacher and administrative job vacancies in BATTI partner schools.
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Need guidance on using the Culture Compass? Check out this slideshow for a sample and more information.
Summer School Teachers (multiple)
Peninsula Bridge Summer Program • Belmont
Peninsula Bridge @ Crystal Springs Uplands Middle School • Belmont
The PB summer program is a dynamic five week summer program for middle schoolers that runs from June 20 - July 21 (No program on Tuesday, July 4th) with two additional days of assessment work. The program is five days a week from 8:15 - 3:30 each day and is located at Crystal Springs Uplands Middle School in Belmont, CA.
PB is hiring for the following roles by mid-March:
7th Grade ELA Teacher • 8th Grade ELA Teacher • 7th Grade Math Teacher • 8th Grade Math Teacher
Posted on February 27, 2023
Youth Program Leaders (after school and seasonal summer programs)
Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula • San Mateo County
Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula • San Mateo County
Please click on any links that say "After-School Program Leaders" at the link below. Postings are posted by site locations.
Posted on February 23, 2023