Job Opportunities
Find associate teacher, lead teacher, and administrative positions in partner schools
Incoming Residents
A two-year residency, working full-time in a classroom, allows BATTI teachers to become fully immersed in all aspects of the school environment. We help you to find positions in partner schools during BATTI and beyond.
Interested in making a change? Check out our job board for lead teacher and administrative job vacancies in BATTI partner schools.
Are you interested in posting an opening at your school? Please click the button below.
It is our pleasure to provide this service free of charge. To financially contribute to BATTI's work, please donate here.
Job searchers, check out our new Culture Fit Compass to set you up for a better search this year!
Need guidance on using the Culture Compass? Check out this slideshow for a sample and more information.
Early Learning Teachers - Bilingual Spanish Speaking
Family Connections • South Bay
Family Connections Early Childhood • Daly City, East Palo Alto, Redwood City
About the Organization
We empower under-served families in San Mateo County with children from birth and beyond by providing free, high-quality early learning programs linked with wrap-around services that propel our families – and our whole community – forward. Serving as a Family Resource Hub, we offer multiple access points for the community to engage in programming that is able to respond to the unique needs of each family. Through our Early Learning Classes, Young Scholars Program, Family Support Services, and Clinical Services, our goal is to strengthen protective factors and deepen the connection between caregivers and their children.
Learn more about us here: https://www.familyconnections.org/aboutus.
To apply, please submit your most recent resume and cover letter to Carolina Balladares, Director of Programs, via email at cballadares@familyconnections.org.