Lower School Head Teacher (Grade TBD, K-2nd)

Peninsula School • Menlo Park

As the Lower School Head Teacher, you'll play a pivotal role in nurturing students through a journey of exploration, inquiry, and learning. Working closely with our dynamic lower school team, you'll be a vital contributor to an environment where math, literacy, integrated social studies, and social/emotional development are taught within a progressive framework. Collaboration with specialist teachers across various disciplines—including Art, Woodshop, Ceramics, Weaving, Music, Library, Spanish, Science, and Physical Education—creates an unparalleled opportunity to cultivate rich, cross-disciplinary learning experiences for students. This framework honors and celebrates play, prioritizes student choice and voice, and centers Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) practices. Lower School teachers work collaboratively on a team with the support of the Associate Head of School (AHOS) and literacy and math specialists. Teacher creativity is encouraged and celebrated as teachers address the needs of their students, while remaining steadfast to the school's mission, values, and progressive educational philosophy.

Send application, resume, and cover letter to hr@peninsulaschool.org.


Lower School Division Head


Head Teacher, Lower School